Friday, November 29, 2019

How Exit Interviews Give You Employee Retention Information

How Exit bewerbungsinterviews Give You Employee Retention InformationHow Exit Interviews Give You Employee Retention InformationThe exit vorstellungsgesprch with a terminating employee is your opportunity to obtain information about what your organization is doing well and- what your organization needs to do to improve. Exit interviews are a rich source of information for your organizational improvement when used in concert with employee satisfaction surveys. Improving your organization- making it a better, happier distribution policy for employees to work- is key in your efforts to retain your best employees- the employees that every organization wants to retain. Gaining Insight to Your Operations Done well, and with the intention to use the information wisely,exit interviews are key to organization improvement since rarely will you receive such frank feedback from current employees. Youll find that some items were resolvable if you had had earlier information such as changing a highly noisy work environment or involving the employee in stretching assignments and goals. But other problems identified in an exit interview may not have been such as the desire for a large salary increase or a different boss. The ongoing concern with the direction of thedepartment or the company is often unresolvable because it has built up in the exiting employees mind over a long period of time. Universally, employees who participate in an exit interview identify communication as a problem in that they wanted (and sometimes needed) more information to perform their jobs effectively. Exit Interview May Uncover Problems Unfortunately, if you are discovering improvement ideas or employee concerns at the exit interview it is too late to take action to improve or help theemployee who is leaving.The best time foran employee to discuss concerns, dissatisfaction, and suggestions for improvement with his employer is while he is a committed employee, not on his way out the door. It is why stay interviews are strongly recommended as a source of employee retention information. Make sure your organization provides multiple opportunities to gather and learn from employee feedback, including employee satisfaction surveys, stay interviews, department meetings, comment or suggestion forms, and more. You are interested, during the exit interview, in the feedback of employees who voluntarily terminate their employment with your organization. However, dont miss the opportunity to ask for feedback from employees you fire for attendance or performance. You may obtain useful information during the termination meeting with employees you fire. They may share with you why they think that they underperformed which gives you fodder for improvement. In a recent termination meeting, the fired employee told the Human Resources staff person that the job had burned him out because it was boring. She was able to offer some encouragement about completing school instead of performing in another boring light industrial position. How to Perform an Interview Employers should not be afraid to conduct exit interviews. These opportunities will give you insight into the workings of your geschftsleben and should be conducted in a business-like manner. Commonly Performed in Person With the Departing Employee Sometimes, the manager conducts the exit interview, but fruchtwein often, a Human Resources staff person holds the exit interview. The staff person shares the amalgamation of feedback from several exit interviews rather than sharing each personsfeedbackbecause of HR confidentiality concerns. Some organizations use written exit interviews to increase participation, but many HR employees are proponents of talking with the departing employee to more completely explore and understand his or her views during the exit interview. Conducting the exit interview in person allows you to probe and ask questions. Interview Questions Asked Are Key to Getting Information Start your exit interview with light discussion to help your departing employee feel comfortable answering your questions. Assure the employee that no negative consequences will result from honest discussion during the exit interview. Explain that you will use the information provided during the exit interview, in aggregate format, to help your organization improve and retain valued employees. Freely explore each response further for clarification and complete understanding. See the recommendedEmployment Ending Checklistfor employers to follow. Sample Exit Interview Questions These are sample exit interview questions. Feel free to copy and use any combination of these questions in your organization. You can increase the probability that you receive information that will help you retain valuable employees. The Most Important, Critical Question to Ask at an Exit Interview The first suggested question is critical, and it is the most important question you will want to ask during every ex it interview you conduct. What caused you to departure looking for a new job in the first place? Additional Great Exit Interview Questions Why have you decided to leave the company?Have you shared your concerns with anyone in the company prior to deciding to leave? What was the response?Was a single event responsible for your decision to leave?What does the new company offer that encouraged you to accept their offer and leave this company?What do you value about the company?What did you dislike about the company?The quality of supervision is important to most people at work. How was your relationship with your manager?What could your supervisor do to improve his or her management style and skill? What are your views about management and leadership, in general, in the company?What did you like most about your job?What did you dislike about your job? What would you change about your job if you were staying here long term?Do you feel you had the resources and support necessary to accom plish your job? If not, what was missing?We try to be an employee-oriented company in which employees experience positive morale and motivation. What is your experience of employee morale and motivation in the company? Were your job responsibilities characterized correctly during the interview process and orientation?Did you have clear goals and know what was expected of you in your job?Did you receive adequate feedback about your performance day-to-day and in the performance development planning process?Did you clearly understand and feel a part of the accomplishment of the company mission and goals?Describe your experience of the companys commitment to quality and customer service.Did the management of the company care about you and help you accomplish your personal and professional development and career goals? What would you recommend to help us create a better workplace?Do the policies and procedures of the company help create a well-managed, consistent, and fair workplace in w hich expectations are clearly defined?Describe the qualities and characteristics of the person who is most likely to succeed in this company.What are the key qualities and skills we should seek in your replacement?Do you have any recommendations regarding our compensation, benefits, and other reward and recognition efforts?What would make you consider working for this company again in the future? Would you recommend this company as a good place to work for your friends and family?Can you offer any other comments that will enable us to understand why you are leaving, how we can improve, and what we can do to become a better company? End the exit interview meeting on a positive note. Commit to using the information provided to improve your workplace for your existing employees. Wish your employee success in his or her new endeavor. End the exit interview graciously by thanking the exiting employee for their participation and improvement advice. Please note that, in an exit interview, you will occasionally find that the employees reasons for leaving have nothing to do with any factor that you as an employer can affect. For example, following a spouse to a job opportunity in a different state or moving the family closer to where grandparents can provide caregiving on workdays for children are not opportunities for your improvement. These exit interviews, while less informative, may still provide gems for you to consider.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

8 Habits of Highly Effective Job Seekers

8 Habits of Highly Effective Job Seekers8 Habits of Highly Effective Job Seekers4If you look around at friends and acquaintances, youve probably noticed some who have no problem finding new positions when they need or want one. And if youre paying attention, youll recognize certain common traits that assist them in their searches.Here are eight habits that highly effective job seekers share and that you should develop when its time to explore the employment market1. Build personal networks.Networking doesnt come naturally to everyone, but if youre looking for a new gig, its absolutely essential. Reaching out to people online is great, but its even more important and powerful to make face-to-face connections with people in the industry in which you would like to work. Move out of your comfort zone, if you need to, but definitely take the time and make the effort to seek out behauptung personal links. When it comes to landing a job, it really does come down to who you know.2. Recognize that seeking a job is your job.Obviously, this may be more complicated if youre looking for something new while youre still employed. However, if youre out of work, dedicate several hours every day to seeking new employment. Set a schedule for what youre going to do each day- networking, filling out applications, searching job sites- and then stick to it, just as you would follow a daily task list when employed. This will help you stay on track and make sure your organizational muscles dont atrophy.3. Be selective.When youre out of work, its tempting to apply for any job for which you are even remotely qualified. Resist that temptation. According to an article from Glassdoor, the best job seekers are selective about where they send their resumes, only applying for jobs for which they are at least 75% qualified. Being selective helps job seekers get through a hiring managers first cut, the article says. After all, if a hiring manager has the choice between a candidate who checks som e of the boxes and one who checks most of the boxes, the cream will always rise to the top.4. Dont generalize.If you use one standard resume and one basic cover letter for every job application, youre doing it wrong. Employers want to hear how you can meet their specific needs, so you should take the time to tailor your documents accordingly. Remove irrelevant information and restate your responsibilities to match keywords found in the job description, suggests an article from Parker Staffing Services. Aligning your resume with their job duties shows that you were thoughtful enough to read through the posting (instead of applying to positions in bulk).5. Create and manage a personal brand.This includes everything from carefully curating how you present yourself in your resume and cover letter to building a robust and engaging profile on LinkedIn and other social media sites. You may even consider creating a personal website to explain your job history and provide specific examples o f your work. An effective job seeker makes it easy for potential employers to discover details and to abflug falling in love with their skill set before the first interview is even scheduled.6. Keep on learning.Your daily task list should include time for upgrading your skills or acquiring new ones. This time between jobs is a real opportunity to invest in this kind of education. If your industry requires being current in a specific technology, make sure you attend related seminars and training sessions, suggests an article from Maybe your line of work is being phased out or outsourced- successful job seekers tweak and accentuate their skillsets so they are able to pivot toward the next opportunity.7. Track your efforts.Expending physical, mental, and emotional energy on a job search can be draining- so much so that tracking all you do may feel like the last thing you want to add to your daily to-do list. However, successful job hunters make a point of doing just that, according to an article from CareerCast. The article musiknotes that not only is it important to keep track of your efforts so application deadlines arent missed, but also, remembering what jobs youve applied to is critical so you can send the often neglected thank-you note or a follow-up to an employer you havent heard from in a while. Another great byproduct of tracking your efforts is the ability to create an audit trail of interactions you had along the way for each opportunity.8. Be patient, and dont get discouraged.The most effective job seekers keep in mind that looking for new employment takes time, effort, and resilience. Dont get down on yourself if your search is moving more slowly than youd like. Focus on the daily tasks of seeking work, reward yourself for small victories, and stay positive. This will help you move forward when small setbacks arise, and it will allow you to be pleasant and kind when interacting with prospective employers.Remember, the right job is out there, and you can find it. By developing these habits, you will be a highly effective job seeker, landing the right position and building your career into everything youve hoped it could be.Start Your Search for a Flexible JobThis is a version of a post

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Project Management Insights and Career Advice

Project Management Insights and Career AdviceProject Management Insights and Career Advice